An Intro To
Catherine Williams, MA
Tap Your Inner Oracle For Guidance And Inspiration.
Sat, August 14th
930A to 530P
7 CEUs for LPCs & NASWs
$90 + $10 For CEUs
Crescent City Consortium is proud to present a SoulCollage® workshop by Catherine Williams, MA.
Treat yourself to a day of playful immersion in the realm of imagery and metaphor. SoulCollage® is an engaging two part art process where you make 5″x 8″ collage cards that are created intuitively. Then through an interactive process of “reading” the cards, you will find it offers access to a place of wisdom and kindness in yourself. From this place come messages from your Self to yourself, timely and clear. This method can be used with clients at any time to deepen their knowledge of self, bring up unconscious material or enhance the therapeutic process.
You begin by selecting images that spark your interest. As you arrange the images, you will see they come together to form something altogether new in ways that may surprise you. Ultimately, each card reflects an aspect of your personality and essence. For example, you might discover cards that suggest a sub-personality, an archetype, or a totem animal.
SoulCollage® offers a way of meaning, beyond the world of words, through colors and images that appeal to you. It’s done in the context of a supportive group.
Created by Seena Frost, SoulCollage® has evolved as a way to deepen your connection to self and your own purpose in this world, using images that call to you. Eventually you’ll have a deck of personal wisdom cards, created through the knowing guidance of your intuition. Visit Catherine’s Website.
Catherine Williams Bio
Catherine Williams, MA, is a SoulCollage® Facilitator. Her Master’s degree is in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Drama Therapy. She is a Certified Teacher of the Enneagram of Personality. She has an extensive background in non profit management, including Workforce Development and Affordable Housing. For over 35 years she has led workshops integrating the visual arts, movement and drama. Her love is to support creative self expression and the revelation of one’s precious wholeness.